
What are the pros and cons of mobile?

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What are the pros and cons of mobile?
What are the pros and cons of mobile?

What are the pros and cons of mobile?

In an earlier article I said about mobile phone, today I will discuss among you, about the good and bad of smartphone which is very important for all of us mobile users to know, mobile phone overuse, 

good or bad, if you use mobile phone continuously for seven-eight hours.  That may be the problem, in today's article I will highlight the pros and cons, so you can decide for yourself which one is better for you.

What are the pros and cons of mobile? Harmful aspect

At some point we use mobile phone on the way, nowadays mobile phone has become a companion in our life
Nowadays people are so much dependent on mobile phones, now it is difficult to go without a smart phone, now if the mobile phone is taken away from someone, then what will happen?

This smartphone has made it easier for us today, if we want to buy something, the most important role is to buy using mobile phone, that too from sitting at home, starting from reading books through this mobile, going from one place to another by looking at the location.

But we all know that smartphones make our daily work much easier, like there are good points, what are the bad points, through this article we will know all the good and bad points, if you are a mobile user, then for you, good and bad points,  Knowing both is very important

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Mobile 

Many of us know the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones, because we always have dilemmas with our colleagues about it, we have many friends who say that it is good to use mobile phones, and when we go home, we see that the guardians say that it is not good to use mobile phones.  There is no end to the dilemma.

 1/  The system of education 

of people in earlier days was very difficult, there was no school-college system, there was no use of facilities, it took one and a half hours to go to school from home, nowadays with the use of technology, it has become very easy.

2/ The use of internet

through this smartphone we use the internet, we can communicate with everyone very easily, using this smartphone

3/ Video calling, 

by using this technology smartphone, we can easily communicate with people from one country to another country, through video calling, we can talk directly with pictures, using this technology smartphone,

4/ Mobile banking transfer system, 

through this use of technology, it is very easy to do transactions with the bank at home, now there is no need to send money to the bank, it can be done at home through this smartphone.

5/ Smart phone is small and convenient, 

due to the small size of the smartphone we use, it can be easily put in the pocket of the pants, there are many other advantages in using the smartphone.

6/ Use of toss light with mobile

people used to use toss light when going out at night, nowadays it is not necessary because everyone has a smartphone, and that smartphone has torch light system, due to which people nowadays use toss light with mobile.

 7/ Playing games with mobile 

In this age of technology, no separate device is needed to play games, it is possible to play games with mobile

Playing games

৪/ Watching TV with mobile phones,

 people used to watch TV at home in ancient times, now they don't need it anymore, because now everyone has a smartphone in their hands, and through that smartphone, all kinds of TV channels can be seen at home.

9/ Online shopping through smartphones,

 nowadays it is easiest to shop through a mobile phone and also to order online from the comfort of your home.

10/ Online Earning with Mobile 

Another great thing is that you can earn money online from home very easily by using a mobile phone.

I will show you what damage can be caused by using mobile phone,

1/ Eye problems due to use of smartphones,

 due to long time use of mobile phones, we have to look at the mobile phones for a long time, due to which many types of eye problems can occur, 

2/ Hearing problems due to use of mobile phones,

 we often listen to music on the loudspeaker while using smartphones.  Listen, talking through the loudspeaker can cause many problems in the ear.

3/ fear of losing

When we go somewhere we take the smart phone with us, suddenly we get scared where did we put the smartphone, lost or someone took it, then we get a lot of fear.

4/ While driving,

 there are many people who use smartphone while driving and fear of accident inside us, everyone should keep mobile phone distance while driving.

last thing

Through this article we got to know a little bit about the bad and good aspects of mobile phones, if you like the article, then definitely comment and share it with your friends, if you want to know more, definitely comment.

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